Today, after our agility training, me and Piper headed to the local park to work on his disengagement skills.In recent months he’s become a lot braver - which is a good thing as I’ve been working on his confidence, however he’s now very into going deaf when little dogs are about and taking no...
Drummer & Piper are very different in what they need to keep them at an optimum weight, where Drummer struggles to maintain his weight, Piper only need look at food to maintain!I’ve taken so much great information from a Facebook page called ‘Sports Dog...
Drummer and I headed off to Kelluki Agility today for a KC show. We've struggled over the last year with our A Frame contact and after spending the winter retraining his running A Frame only for yet more misses as soon as we went back to competition, I threw the towel in and changed to a stop.Today...
Welcome to my new dog blog, join me for regular updates on the training of my two gorgeous border collies, Drummer & Piper, for the agility ring. All from the perspective of a trainer that just wants to have fun with her dogs and enjoy our competing. As well as posts about my life as a pet...